Binge, Purge, Flush

Location: Kalidasa
Status: Success

Ennis Weapons Range, Colbert Provincial County
Kalidasa, Blake Protectorate
6 July 3070

Mr. askai has returned with another lucrative contract. only a month ago, Kalidasa seceded from the Free Worlds league and went over to the enlarging Word of Blake Protectorate, taking several league militia forces with it. however, much noise has been made among local leaguers that the planetary government was coerced into secession by the heavy-handed tactics of the local Word of Blake HPG garrison unit. askai—or whomever he represents—wants the Blakists hammered. Capturing or killing the Precentor would net even more on the contract.

Any way you look at it, it’s time to hunt some Wobblies.

9 July 3070

Kalidasa [Kalidasa Courier-Times] - Word of Blake forces are reporting that an accident during a recent training exercise has led to the tragic death of Precentor Tim Mayo of the Word of Blake’s Third Division. Current CO David Fellers assured reporters that business would continue as normal while the unit awaited the transfer of a new executive officer.

Main Track

06 July 3070
Status: Victory

The Monkeys used a false identification to enter the system and took up orbit over Kalidasa. They monitored the radio waves until they got the signal they were looking for from an inside man – the precentor was participating in war games in some desolate desert country.

The Monkeys sprang into action, performing a combat drop on the enemy forces.

After-Action Report

The combat drop took the enemy by surprise, although due to their unfamiliarity with the maneuver, a few of the Monkeys were damaged on impact. Nonetheless, the ambush worked in their favor and they were able to kill Precenter Timothy Mayo and bring down most of the unit he was training with before quickly boosting back to orbit and out of system.

Despite the success, this mission did include a somber note. The Monkeys suffered their first combat death when Cal Young was knocked unconscious during his combat drop and then killed by a Wobbie unit as he lay helpless.