Solaris VII Campaign
Location: SolarisStatus: Success
Given their origins on the Game World, many members of the Monkeys had closely followed news of Solaris VII’s occupation. When it became clear in early 3071 that the Solaris Home Defense League was more than a flash in the pan, many members pleaded with Taharqa to return to Solaris and join in its liberation. It wasn’t a proper paying job, but the Monkeys recent run-ins with the Word of Blake had made them realize that more was at stake in this war than money.
Taharqa decided to put it to vote of all the personnel. By an overwhelming majority, the Monkeys voted to return to Solaris VII and help to free the planet from its blakist oppressors.
“This is Kiva Cooper reporting live from the International District where former gladiator stable turned SHDL heroes, the Flaming Devil Monkeys, are making preparations for departure. Apparently, with the liberation of Solaris VII, they are on to new things. I was able to catch up with their elusive commander, Taharqa Bane, earlier.”
(image switches to Taharqa Bane’s face with a microphone thrust into it)
Cooper: Commander Bane, If I could just ask a few questions.
Bane: (smiling) Sure, a few.
Cooper: Why are you in such a rush to leave? Some people were hoping you might stay and re-start your stable.
Bane: (smile deepens) We came back to Solaris to free our home world, but now we are on to the next contract. As mercenaries, we still need to make the bottom line.
Cooper: Is there any truth to the rumors that you stole supplies from other SHDL forces while stationed here?”
Bane: (smile fades) The only people we took supplies from were the Wobbies. Unfortunately some minor members of the SHDL resented the nice facilities we established here.
Cooper: Now that you are back to the mercenary life, would you take a contract from the Word of Blake?
Bane: (gives an intense look ) We will never work for those honorless dogs. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get back to work.
– Solaris City News at Six, SBC, solaris VII, 14 December 3071
Free-Fire Zone
04 May 3071Status: Victory
Border of the International Zone Solaris VII
Lyran Alliance
4 May 3071
Barely twelve hours after landing at some smuggling station well outside of Nowhere, all hell broke loose in Solaris City proper. Lucky for you, plenty of people were looking for hired guns to augment their forces. The best offer came from Zelazni Stables, who wanted you to go in with another assault force and seize a few warehouses in the International Zone. With the Blakists occupied in their urban renewal of Montenegro, this op seemed pretty easy.
After-Action Report
With help from allied units drawn from the Zelanzi, White Hand, and Silver Dragons stables, the Monkeys were able to secure the warehouse facilities in the International Zone with minimal damage.
Supply Run
07 May 3071Status: Victory
Having secured their base of operations, the Monkeys identified a poorly guarded Word of Blake supply depot not far from their location.
After-Action Report
Two Monkey lances bruised the defending Level II of wobbie units, forcing them to withdraw and gifting the units much needed supplies and ammo.
12 May 3071Status: Victory
Having settled into the International District, the Monkeys led a strike with members of the SHDL into the Montenegro district.
After-Action Report
Silverback and Baboon Lance led the strike which resulted in the destruction of several wobbie units before the monkeys withdrew.
19 May 3071Status: Victory
The Spider Monkeys launched another probing attack into the Montenegro district.
After-Action Report
The Spider Monkeys made contact with the enemy and dished out some damage before withdrawing.
21 May 3071Status: Victory
The Monkeys launched a full-scale assault on Blakist positions in the city.
After-Action Report
Fighting was fierce but the Monkeys were able to push back the Blakist forces, gaining ground one block at a time in the difficult urban terrain.
20 July 3071Status: Victory
After holding their gains for nearly two months without much response, the Monkeys finally faced an attacking force. However, it wasn’t the blakists this time. Rather a group of gladiators were upset about the Monkey’s control of the resources in the international district and were determined to take it over for themselves. With friends like these …
After-Action Report
The Monkeys held their ground and were able to rebuff the attack. After their initial assault failed, most of the gladiators fled. The monkeys were able to capture several gladiators. Eventually, after the “misunderstanding” had been worked out, several of these gladiators would come to serve with the Monkeys.
Nacht Blitz
17 August 3071Status: Victory
Long-term storage facilities, International Zone
Solaris VII, Lyran Alliance
17 August 3071
Though you’ve managed to hold the IZ for nearly three months, rumors of Blakist reinforcements arriving on-planet suggest the Word is gearing up for a major assault. With inter-alliance fighting on the rise, it only makes sense that the Word would push hard at the IZ to re-establish a base of operations in order to regain control of the capital.
Your orders are to hold off all attempts at taking the supplies, even if it means taking down some of the more desperate of the SHDL members.
After-Action Report
The blakists came in strong with some support from turncoat gladiators. The Monkeys held their position, although they did lose a mechwarrior, Marcus Kanai, in the fierce fighting.
18 August 3071Status: Victory
With the blakist counter-attack in full swing, the Monkeys decide to pull back and regroup. However, the blakists are able to catch up to the Monkey rearguard.
After-Action Report
Several Monkey units are badly damaged in the readguard action and Lt. Kenji O’Shea is lost when his cockpit is cracked from a blakist short-range missile. The remaining Monkeys are able to prevail and limp back to the cover of their base.
Reaching The Limits
15 October 3071Status: Victory
VEST Bay 4, Nowhere
Solaris VII, Lyran Alliance
15 October 3071
Despite fragmentation along familiar rivalry lines, the SHDL manages to maintain operational control long enough to finally push the Word of Blake out of Solaris City and into the Reaches. Unfortunately for some SHDL alliance members, the Word is content to strike out at existing facilities still standing in many of the suburbs and outlying towns. One of the larger conglomerates is in Nowhere, where VEST, Blue Shot Weapons, Defiance Industries and GM all have as-yet-untouched facilities. These are the last remnants of major repair bays and depots on the planet, and so the SHDL is loath to see these sites destroyed.
The Word, however, is more than happy to spread chaos and destruction everywhere they go.
After-Action Report
The Monkeys are able to push the wobbie out of their last refuge. Seeing few alternatives, the remaining Word of Blake forces leave Solaris VII shortly after. Solaris is liberated!