Jacob Hawker

Elite Admin/Logistical (4+)

Like Taharqa Bane, Jacob Hawker is also a former clanner. Hawker was born from a Diamond Shark iron womb. He had a successful, but relatively undistinguished, career as a warrior, although he did manage to win a bloodname for himself. Upon retiring, he joined the merchant caste and quickly developed a reputation as a skilled negotiator and trader. When the Diamond Sharks set up shop in the Inner Sphere, Jacob became the unofficial merchant representative of the clan on Solaris VII. In 3064, Taharqa inquired with him about the possibility of acquiring some clan-tech weaponry, and Hawker dismissively told him he wouldn’t deal with the “dark caste.” Enraged, Taharqa challenged Hawker to a trial and soundly defeated him. He immediately made Hawker a bondsman and gave him control of the administration of the Flaming Devil Monkeys stable.

Hawker was known to have a very liberal attitude, even within the very liberalminded Diamond Shark clan. In fact, we believe he may have been under investigation for what were deemed several inappropriate business transactions with Inner Sphere clients. Given that his interaction with Bane was highly atypical of his personality, we suspect that the entire affair may have been staged in order to allow Hawker the opportunity to escape from his critics within the clan.

We also suspect that Hawker maintains some discrete contacts within the Diamond Shark merchant caste that have allowed him to acquire clan-tech weaponry. His recent aquisition of several streak LRM launchers is a clear red flag.

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