Marcus Kanai

Elite Mechwarrior (2/3)

Marcus Kanai’s life is a story of a downward spiral. His family was a well respected mechwarrior family on Gibson, and from an early age Marcus was virtually guaranteed a billet with the Marik Militia. Then the Wobbies came to Gibson, and trouble followed. His father died in that conflict and his mother relocated the family to Outreach, vowing that none of her children would ever serve the Marik again. His family was able to salvage his father’s mech, however, and after a brief stint at the Outreach Mercenary Training Command, Marcus earned a spot on Smithson’s Chinese Bandits, who were eager to get their hands on equipment in their rebuilding efforts.

When the desperate Bandits agreed to turn on Wolf’s Dragoons in early 3067, Marcus reluctantly went along, largely because he had fallen in love with a fellow Bandit who adamantly supported the decision. The outcome of that struggle, of course, was the complete annhilation of Smithson’s Chinese Bandits. Marcus’s family heirloom mech was destroyed, but he was able to escape with his life. He lay low in the slums of Outreach for a couple of months before finally making it off-planet as a stowaway aboard a merchant vessel.

Kanai made it as far as Carver V, where he was able to get a job operating a loading mech at the spaceport in Korce. With his meager paycheck, he began to cautiously advertise his services as a mercenary to selected contacts, always being careful to avoid the MRBC or other official channels. Nearly two years later, the Monkeys stopped in system looking for someone to fill a spot on their roster. They gave Kanai a short-term contract which was extended into a full billet after his performance in the Sheratan campaign.

Unfortunately, this brief turn of good luck did not last. During the Solaris campaign, Marcus Kanai was knocked unconscious and then killed when his cockpit was destroyed by enemy fire during the Blakist counter-assault on the International Zone.