Miriam Baxter

Space Vessel Pilot
Union (2708)
Transport Squadron

Miriam Baxter is a lifetime spacer. Her parents were Lyran merchants who used their Mule dropship to make a circuit of the Inner Sphere, selling, buying, and trading along the way. She grew up aboard ship and knew how to dock a dropship by the time she was 10. All was not well in the Baxter family however. Her father was an alcoholic who frequently beat his wife and sometimes his daughter. When Miriam was 16, her mother committed suicide. Miriam never forgave her father and when he died a few years later in an airlock mishap, she sold the family dropship and its bad memories. With the revenue, she invested in an aging Union dropship and began a new career shuttling mercenaries to and from their mission sites.

Although her father’s death is officially listed as an accident, we have reason to believe that Miriam actually killed her own father in retaliation for years of abuse. Her hard life has given Miriam nerves of steel as evidenced by her actions during the recent incident on Gienah. Some of the mercenary units hired to raid Gienah Combat Vehicles decided to go rogue and a group called The Shady Ladies captured her dropship and held her crew captive while they pillaged the surrounding area. The Flaming Devil Monkeys, in need of their own transport off of Gienah, decided to liberate Baxter and her crew. In the ensuing firefight, Miriam refused to fire on the Flaming Devil Monkeys despite quite literally having a gun to her head.

After the Shady Ladies were driven off, Taharqa Bane offered Baxter partnership with the Flaming Devil Monkeys in exchange for the transport services of her Union dropship, the Star’s End. Having grown tired of dealing with the uncertainties of contract work in the Jihad era, Baxter agreed. She has been less enthusiastic about the Monkey’s references to her ship as the Fiery Coconut and there has been some tension between her crew and the Monkey personnel, but both she and Bane hope that such rifts will disappear with time and shared experience.

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