Vincente Cabrera

Veteran Mechwarrior (3/4)
Crab Chupacabra
Mech Short Battalion, Second Company, Bonobo Lance

Vincente Cabrera hails from Alpheratz in the Outworlds Alliance. He came to Solaris VII many years ago and fought his way to a very respectable position in the open division, despite his stigma as a “periphery jock.” Then he lost an eye during the quarter-finals of the open division. His doctors said he would never fight again, but he was determined to prove them wrong. The rehabilitation was long, but he eventually made his way into the ring again shortly before the blakist occupation of Solaris VII.

He served valiantly in the SHDL during the occupation. He was one of the Solaris jocks who teamed up on the Monkeys in the International Zone over a dispute regarding repair facility access. He and his compatriots lost that argument but Cabrera was able to escape. Later he found himself on the same side as the Monkeys, fighting blakists in the final days of the occupation. Impressed by his skills and drive, the Monkeys offered him a spot on their roster after the final battle. With most of his stable and friends dead, it was not a difficult decision.

Cabrera is a passionate man who writes poetry and plays guitar in his free time. He has already developed quite a reputation with the ladies, despite his missing eye.

Cabrera’s mech assignment is a source of dispute. He would prefet to pilot the heavily customized Crab that he piloted for much of the Solaris occupation, but the Monkeys want him in a jump capable unit. For the moment, he is assigned to a heavily customized Onslaught, but he is bothering Ford daily about how to get jump jets onto his Crab.