Ghost Monkey Platoon

The Ghost platoon is the primary recon unit for the Monkeys. The Ghost Monkeys are primarily used as spotters and are never used to engage anything other than enemy infantry. Typically, the Ghost Monkeys are deployed in five-man squads and are equipped with sniper rifles, Camo/IR/ECM sneak suits, and jump packs. They also maintain hover skimmers (Motorized hover) that can be used for long-distance operations. They are trained as sensor and demolition engineers and as paratroopers.

When rapid deployment is essential, the Ghost Monkeys can be deployed quickly aboard the Karnov VTOL. The Ghost Monkeys have also begun training to use the VTOL to support covert insertions.

The Ghost Monkeys primarily originated with contacts and recruits of Lt. Kati Wilhelm on Solaris VII. The Ghost Monkeys tend to think of themselves differently than the simple grunts of Guard and Scav platoon and some friction has resulted.