Gerda Wolf

Veteran Mechwarrior (2/3)
Catapult She-Wolf
Mech Short Battalion, First Company, Silverback Lance

Gerda Wolf has had a very unusual path toward becoming a Mechwarrior in the Flaming Devil Monkeys. Born as a trueborn mechwarrior from Clan Wolf, Gerda passed her trial of position just as the Refusal War between Wolf and Falcon was commencing. Young and hot-blooded, she was easily persuaded to the Crusader cause and joined Ulric Kerensky’s combat command for the war. She made it all the way to Wotan where she was shot out of her Mech by none other than Star Commander Taharqa. When Vlad Ward re-created the Wolf Clan, she was free to join, but her experience during the war had given her newfound respect for Ulric Kerensky and the Warden point of view. Confused and humiliated, she fled into the Inner Sphere where she took up work as a cargo loader under an assumed name. In 3064, she caught Taharqa’s name while watching a Solaris VII broadcast. She immediately traveled to Solaris VII where she asked if she could serve Bane in any way. Having rejected the Falcons and Wolves, she apparently still clung to clan ideals and wished to become a bondsman to the person who had defeated her. Bane offered her a position as a mechwarrior in his stable, but she declined it. She took up a role as security for the Monkeys, and that role continued in the infantry support company when they went mercenary.

For a long time, Gerda refused to accept a position as a mechwarrior, perhaps believing that serving as infantry was atonement for the error of her ways. However, when Beatrix James fell in battle on Chamdo in 3071, Taharqa asked Gerda to take her place. Gerda had been friends with Beatrix and chose to take the position in her honor.

Gerda orginally accepted a demotion in order to become a mechwarrior. With the death of Kenji O’Shea she was once again promoted to Lieutenant, to serve as the number two in Taharqa’s command lance.